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Liu Qing, president of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, investigates Luokai Shares

Views: 163108/31/2010  

On the afternoon of June 18, Liu Qing, president of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute, Gao Jun, vice president and other leaders, accompanied by Zhang Zhaohui, deputy director of Changzhou Science and Technology Bureau, Li Lei, deputy governor of Wujin District and other leaders, conducted research on Luokai shares。Company chairman Tan Line, president Zang Wenming warmly received and accompanied the research。

President Liu Qing understood the development history of Luokai in detail, and carefully listened to the introduction of Luokai's industrial layout in the field of low and medium voltage, the construction of ROLINKPOWER smart platform, and the investment in scientific and technological innovation。It affirmed the continuous investment of Luokai shares in the field of low-voltage distribution, and highly recognized the title of "invisible champion" and industry influence of Luokai shares。During the research, President Liu Qing introduced the service function of Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute to "lead industrial development and service enterprise innovation" and the development plan of the research Institute。Li Liangfei, vice president of the company, reported in detail to the visiting leaders the foreign cooperation and development projects of Luokai Shares and the project results achieved。The leaders gave guidance to the work of Locai in the future enterprise innovation, and hoped that the two sides would strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the future industrial technology development。Chairman of Danhang thanked President Liu Qing for his guidance, and said that Luokai shares will continue to strengthen innovation under the guidance of the national "dual carbon" strategic goal, combined with their own professional experience in the field of low-voltage power distribution, and make greater contributions to the development of China's electrical industry。

Wujin District Science and Technology Bureau Director Zhang Weixing, Deputy director Ou Yihua, Luoyang Town Party secretary Jiang Zhigang, town leader Pan Hongjie, the company's executive vice president Xu Qijun, vice president Tan Muyuan accompanied the research and exchange。

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